Saying Hello

Just wanted to peek out from our hidey-hole to tell everyone we are fine and still hunkered down. Sending good vibes to everyone near and far and wishing for everyone’s heath, safety and happiness. We’ll make it through 2020 somehow.

I’ve taken a long hiatus from a lot of things in my life, some out of necessity, and some out of the need to re-evaluate the why and the how of it all. Rest assured though, the things that need doing will eventually be done, and I’ll pick things back up where I left off as soon as my gut says it’s time to do so.

Meanwhile Jenny has been working on finishing her bachelors degree and is only a few short months away. Benjamin is having massive amount of gaming time and navigating his way towards the teenage years. Trent is working as a mechanic and going on outdoor adventures as often as possible with his girlfriend (who we adore btw).

On the pottery front, this handsome bowl will be on its way to Ireland early next week. I hope it brings joy and fulfills it’s purpose, whatever that may be. A bowl must love nothing more than to do what it was born to do – to hold and then to give.

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